Frequently Asked Questions

How many times a week should I train with a trainer?

I recommend training three times per week minimum with a trainer for optimum results. The main reason for this is because the average person will not push themselves as hard without a trainer. Further, one may not have the discipline to train on days they are not with a trainer. My clients that train 3 times or more per week always get better results than those that train only 2 days per week with a trainer.

How long does it take to lose 1 pound of fat?

It takes burning 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of fat! Divide that 7, and that’s 500 calories you need to burn a day. A person can typically lose 1 pound of fat per week if they are burning 500 or more calories every day. 

How long before I start to see results?

The first month of training your body will be in a state of shock, and you typically won’t see much change if you’re new to training.

The second month you will start see results as your body is beginning to adjust to the new lifestyle of working out.

By month three you will have developed a strong foundation to build upon, and significant results can be seen after three months. This is the reason, why most exercise programs are three months (90 days).

Train for six months and the results increase dramatically. You are developing your body and adding on to your foundational strength you gained in the first three months. Start getting that physique, strength, or weight loss you desire. I have seen clients lose 25 pounds within this time period or add 5-10 pounds of muscle mass. (I don’t guarantee these results, but they are definitely possible with discipline!).

Nine to twelve months of training and beyond and you will not even recognize how far you have come! Achieve the results you’ve only dreamed of. Best results come after training a year or more depending on your specific goals.